Lake Health


Cleveland-area hospital goes virtual to guide its patients

The kiosk-based technology, which Lake Health installed inside the lobbies of its two hospitals, features a touch screen interface and a virtual guide that greets visitors and helps them locate physicians, departments and loved ones, as well as hospital amenities, such as the cafeteria, meditation room and family lounges.

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Lake Health opens osteoporosis clinics in Concord, Willoughby

Nonprofit community health provider Lake Health plans to open new osteoporosis clinics in Painesville and Willoughby. The clinics will offer evaluation, education, screening and treatments in the areas of nutrition, exercise, smoking cessation and medication with a focus on preventing and managing osteoporosis, according to a statement from Lake Health. The new clinics will be […]

Health IT

Night Read (Ohio): Iowa Sen. Chuck Grassley pursues HIT errors

News and notes from the day in MedCity, Ohio: Watchdog lawmaker U.S. Sen. Chuck Grassley sent letters this week to 31 hospitals nationwide — including University Hospitals Case Medical Center, UH Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital and Kaiser Permanente in Cleveland – raising concerns that “errors” caused by the information technology systems they have adopted could endanger patients, the […]


TriPoint Medical Center built for patients, not for economics

Building a brand-new, full-service hospital is a rare event -- even in Northeast Ohio, a region that explodes with hospital renovation and expansion projects, and new specialty hospitals and outpatient treatment centers. When Lake Health System decided it was less expensive to build a new hospital in the suburbs than to renovate an aging hospital in the city, it followed "evidence-based design" guidelines meant to produce a better environment for patients and staff.


A hospital rebranded: We make you well (not just heal you when you’re sick)

Lake Hospital, the 107-year-old health system a half hour east of Cleveland, changed its name and its brand last week. The bottom line for Lake Health is to tell customers -- don't say patients -- that the health system isn't just about making you sick, but keeping you well. The process is particularly important for hospitals, which find it harder to differentiate themselves solely on the care they offer.